What a trip!!
California was amazing!! Moulin Rouge was seriously mind blowing!! I have so much to share with you guys! I took over 300 pics and I'm now knee deep in the process of identifying the good, the bad, and the ugly!!
Unfortunately there was a super duper sickness bug going around and it sunk it's teeth into me big time. I am really hoping that I am on the last of it...the coughs, the headaches, the sinus pressure...man are they getting old! I think the really fun bus trip may have been the sickness culprit...50 something women (and Aaron and our driver Greg!) all in a tiny mobile tube for 12 hours...seems like the perfect scenario for spreading something around.
As soon as it is possible for me to sit up straight for more than 10 mins I will blog like crazy! Because the trip was just so so so fun and man...it deserves the healthiest of blogging minds. So I promise...very soon I will return with energy this Artistic Affaire merits!
xoxo Jenny