May is a busy month...in general, and for me specifically. On the 9th me and Aaron celebrated our 18th anniversary ( holy cow right!? ) & on the 10th we celebrated my littlest bro Walt's 21st bday. And for little Walty we went all out! My sister Missy booked a room at the Borgata in Atlantic City and we roved the casinos into the wee hours. It was funny to see every dealer's eyes light up when they checked Walt's ID...that he was 21 on the dot...that day! We kept asking if he get's complimentary chips for his bday and they'd just laugh at us. We're kinda a funny crew for partying all night in Atlantic City...because none of us drink. When the cocktail waitresses came around we just kept ordering sodas & coffees. And boy oh boy...I myself am soo not a gambler...I see each dollar lost as a possible dollar spent on etsy or on cool art supplies. I swear...I "cash out" once I see 5.00 or 10.00 gone! My sis on the other hand likes roulette and blackjack. And she does pretty well! Walt, on his virgin voyage into the world of gambling, went a little nuts at the roulette table...sliding big stacks on Black again and again (yelling "let it ride") ...and those stacks would grow....but you know how it goes...in the end he was empty handed! It was a lot of fun though....we even got room 21 for his bday!
I'm sorry if I'm straying from my usual subject matter here...but you'll see very soon that I'm headed back into very familiar Jenny Holiday territory. And that of course is FOOD! Down in AC we started the evening off at White House Subs. This place has been there forever and the walls are lined with photos of every celeb you can think of...they even have a towel hanging up that Sinatra wiped the sweat from his brow with on stage! And I believe White House subs were the first experience The Beatles had with a sub sandwich. The subs and burgers are so so good! AND this is so cool...New York Magazine's food blog just published an article of the 50 food treks worth taking this summer...(one for each state)...and for New Jersey they selected White House...and used MY PHOTO in their article! So Cool! (they even linked to my blog!)
So yeah, after getting fueled at White House we hit the casinos and then strolled the boardwalk at night....going from casino to casino. The candy colored facades and big pin up girls were so fun to see. And just the huge over the top themed casinos...inside and out, are sensory overload to the max.
And what do you do when your visual and audio senses get overloaded?....You got to Fatburger at 3 am! And then you play more roulette...and then bed.
But the party wasn't over...The next day was the Deftones show. You wouldnt think that this vintage kitchen loving, cupcake painting gal would be into these guys...but yep...LOVE them to bits! The sold out tickets were a surprise from Missy! Cause she's so cool like that.

What an Amazing whirlwind few days.
So it's sorta Missy's fault for making us party so hard that we've got lots of work to catch up on. packing orders...working on new paintings. We've got so so much new stuff that we are on the verge of launching. I feel like I've been saying it for more than a month...but very soon we'll have the stuff available. We like to work on a ton of stuff at once, sorta like a collection. So there will be lot's to come. But right now we are so psyched about the first piece in our newest collection. We're painting cakes...and we're painting faux Gilded frames around them. So the image you see at the top of the blog is one painting...the frame is part of the painting. And we're mounting them on 11 x 14 wood plaques, and then we paint the edges gold...so it looks like a framed painting on your wall. We love the fancy and sweet juxtaposition. And there are more to come! Some aqua...some polka dots...some cupcakes! everybody has been asking for ready to hang wood signs...so here they are.
The inspiration for the faux gilded frame came when we framed our large cupcakes print and temporarily hung it in our kitchen...just to take a pic before delivering it to a new local bakery... ( which I'll blog all about real soon! )
Also, after many requests for wood signs we brought back our large menu board...which we are honored to say hangs in Back in the Day Bakery in Savannah GA !

xoxo, Jenny