We seriously have a half dozen brand new totally handpainted pieces in mid progress and we are both super excited about them all! :)

Well we have finished our 3o day photo challenge...amazing how fast it went...really shows how quickly time flies. Love how it illustrates that. Easy to forget the little things...ya know, the whole stop and smell the roses thing...but change smell to see. And that's pretty apropos for my pic of flowers. This little bouquet of millinery flowers is totally for seeing and not smelling.

Day 30: Self Portrait
The Little ( that's my nickname for Jack, chihuahua #2) was preoccupied by the cat on the neighbor's roof. The bedroom has great natural lighting in the second half of the day...so that's where you will always find The Little...stretched out in his sunspot on the bed. So I scooped him up from his spot and snapped away! This was pic #3 of 5. He couldn't keep his eyes off that feline daredevil over there. Ah well...haha. I could just bite him all day long...love him to bits and bits!! Ohhh and guess what!? It is officially one year since he became a member of the fam...we drove down south Jersey a year ago this weekend , picked him up, and brought him home. I don't know what we'd do without him. He's hilarious every moment of the day. :)

Summer has arrived....and it's not easy to forget...especially when my sister calls almost daily asking when we're going to DAYS! Haha, I blame her but we're just as guilty. DAYS is in historic Ocean Grove, and on any given night the line for this place stretches down the block. It's in a gorgeous building with a big porch wrapped around it. I love the indoor/outdoor aspect of Days, and the lights, how you can see it glowing from a distance. And oh yeah, great ice cream!

Have fun!!
See ya soon!
xo Jenny