We are in the Holiday spirit...but I guess I'm not telling you anything new! This is Everyday is a Holiday right?! But yes, Christmas...as I said before...I'm not rushing it...but we've got holiday make-ables and hang-ables...so we need to get a lil jump on things. We've got a great sale going on in the shop right now. If you spend over 40 bucks you get 15% off...just enter code: crafty. And yes...this is the time to get crafty. We've got the wind and rain whipping at our windows tonight. It's not entirely cold here yet...but the gloom has got us indoors and creating.
Me and Aar have got some big changes ahead...which I'll go into detail about later...but for now we're kinda in the inbetween phase. You know the definition of insanity right?...the whole doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result. Well, I guess we have to get a
little more sane.

little more sane.

Please check out our new holiday paintings...seen here...and kits...also seen here...and of course...our brand new full color sticker sheets!
But one last thing...just got this fortune cookie message...I never had one quite so fun and direct...and so apropos!
xoxo, Jenny