Hey kids!
Hoping you all had a lovely weekend. We were busy working on all sorts of projects! Finishing up some more diecuts (chocolate bunnies), putting the final touches on some upcoming workshops (so so excited for Art is..You), painting possibly my abbbsolute favorite new image to date! (just you wait!), and a bunch of other things that seem to take hours and hours. Not that I mind spending my weekend on these things, I actually love it! Aaron and I find that even when we tell ourselves to put the paint brushes down and be "normal people" for the day, our brains go into overdrive...coming up with all sorts of new ideas and imagery! We always end up back in the studio! The only way to keep us from our art is to take us on a day trip! Even then..I will have a napkin or tiny scrap of paper in my purse with these totally ridiculous itty bitty overly detailed sketches ... I just have to get them out of me and into the world...even if it is only on a napkin!

We are really excited about this fella. A classic chocolate rabbit! This painting was inspired by a real deal antique chocolate mold. As you know I am a big big big big bunny fan! The older the better! Vintage paper mache candy containers being my first love, with stuffed Easter bunnies from the 40s-50s being a very very close second. You may remember seeing some of my collection in this photo from the 30 day photo challenge I participated in last year. :)

Here in our Everyday is a Holiday world Easter bunnies live right along side glittery hearts, and bottle brush trees all year round. So you can bet a JUMBO sized Chocolate Rabbit will become part of the everyday family over here.
We'll be making a batch this week, so if you'd like one of your
own hop on over to the shop to order one today! :)

And in "On the Menu..." We will be creating fabulously sweet AND useful art for the home. Chalkboards... accented with vintage baking book pages...our original imagery... and plenty of tips and tricks for easy hand lettering...There'll be a few shapes and sizes to choose from. You can go strictly decorative or leave a bunch of room to make it a full function kitchen chalkboard.
If you are looking for an incredible artsy getaway the place you gotta be this fall is at the Art is You Art Retreat ... like them on facebook for daily inspiration and a community of super friendly, open armed creative peeps.
I know I tell you that I am just so so excited on a daily basis...which is the truth...but I promise that our very next Diecut is indeed my faaaaaavorite painting in a loooong time! It has been in my dreams for quite some time...and scribbled on many a napkin. So excited to finally bring it to life in the real world! I hope to share it with you guys within the next few days! :)
Thanks bunches for visiting!
Love you to bits!
xo Jenny