Happy Friday lovies!
So how was your week? Hopefully a great one! The Springtime weather has been playing peek-a-boo with us here on the Jersey Shore. Some lovely sunshine mixed with chilly breezes requiring extra blankets at night. I'm not going to complain a bit, the last thing I want is for Mother Nature to pull one of those Spring for a week straight to Summer deals...like last year.

How about these darrrling candy colored wedges from Asos? Ohh I just love love love them! And nooooway could I choose between the pink or aqua! They are both perfect! Totally an everyday shoe for me!

Ok, so I first saw this beauty about a month or so ago in a preview email from IKEA. I seriously remember a flutter in my heart and my eyeballs widening! It's like a dream piece for the studio! I neeeeed it!!! I've been waiting and waiting for it to hit stores and there are rumors of it showing up in an OHIO location recently! It was set to be in stores in April...not sure if that means all locations. I promise it will be mine! :)

When I was little my dad had a desk chair in his office that looked so so similar to this, it had a lower back but same overall style and "feet". Of course it was not some designer model or even leather...but it was so fun to sit and spin it..while watching Scooby Doo. This here is an Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair. Read a bit of the history here. Of course I could never afford the real thing, but as with every other coveted classic there are knocks offs and trickle downs for us regular folk.

This is so so adorbs isn't it? I just think it is so whimsical! Nature meets candy! It comes in a few colors but this teal/aqua color screams my name!

Alright, I in no way feel bad about admitting that I am a total sucker for cute packaging. Look at these cute lil bottles! That raffia bow and cork top! I want all three of these! May even wear them all at the same time! They are by Megan Miller, and I found them at Anthro! Ohhh that gold one!
What are you coveting? Show me! Show me! :)

I just wanted to share this happy little pic with you! Aaron and I are so so thrilled to have shipped batches of our instagram inspired pieces all across the country to their cheery new homes. Artists are their own worst critics and all too often you'll be the least impressed by your own work. Kinda the opposite of "a face only a mother could love" ya know?But so far, no matter how many we make, wrap, and pack up...we never tire of looking at these Instagram paintings. The subject matter, the colors...we just love them as if they weren't our own. Thanks bunches to all you sweetpeas who took one...(or two or three) home!
Alrighty kids...let the weekend begin!!
xo Jenny