Hey Guys! How was your Monday? Holy Crow was ours busy! Well to start off, both Aaron and I were feeling a bit under weather since yesterday. I'm thinking that shaking hands and giving hugs & kisses to so many people at the graduation party could be the reason. Shut ins like us are so sheltered from germs, and when we finally come in contact with other humans...watch out. I took Emergen-C a few times yesterday. Aaron took it only once. I don't know if it's a testament to it's capabilities but today I'm up and around and he's got that 5th grader sick face on.
Anyways...so here's where the real crazy stuff begins. I had mentioned that all of my sister's stuff from Brooklyn was packed to the ceiling of the back porch, and you guys already knew that we were temporarily in the tiny bedroom downstairs.
Well, the upstairs master bedroom had been packed with lots and lots of our favorite decor, collections, and art supplies. We'd been waiting on moving up there and playing that game of tetris...moving bedrooms and stuff around. Well in the end we decided to just stay downstairs, since our studio is right next to our current bedroom etc...But that does mean that we're staying in the postage stamp sized bedroom. Ah well...we'll make it work.
For major space saving we have to figure out if we can move the washing machine to a little alcove in the hall, thus converting the laundry room into partial studio / storage space.
So today was the first day of figuring out what to do with all of our stuff since there are all of these other people who have to occupy this house along with us. Missy & Jason started emptying out the big closet...so lots and lots and lots of boxes needed to come downstairs. I've been missing my blender base since we moved in and I'm hoping I find it tonight.
One good part of the chaos was unearthing so many of my favorite things. I'm looking forward to displaying them. Right now they are in piles all over the place down here and it'll be a challenge to find display space for all of it. Of course this is not the ideal set up, but I'll be happy to be surrounded by my most inspirational stuff. I'm hoping to get some Ikea bookcases or shelves for the back wall of the living room. It'll be one giant wall of fabulousness!
But as much as I love "stuff" I'm actually one to keep things pretty spare. So having to have all of these things all in one room is a challenge for me. But one upside is that I think I'll be adding yellow to the living room! :)
Ok, so along side the chaos we were also able to get some good stuff done. I mentioned the other day that we were working on some happy, vintagey, summery paintings...well here is a sneak peek...these are totally just the beginning to a handful of things which will include prints and paper packs! For you guys to use in your own projects, scrapbooking, art journals, etc... What do you think?
Oh jeez, the house is totally turned upside down right now... it's going to be a long night!
Wish me luck!
xo Jenny