Hey guys! How was your weekend? Ours was spent hashing out ideas, planning our week, working on orders, designing, and painting, and we squeezed in some Art Journaling! Isn't Aaron's page so cool? A little exercise in using negative space...and it is in it's early stages. He started to add some color and it looks awesome. I'll share it with you when it's finished.
I'm all for "pretty"...but sometimes it's about a vibe and a statement. And an Art Journal is the perfect place to play with you more visceral art ideas. I was in the middle of building a layout and really...the words: "Some Things Are Not Important", just appeared on the page in big, maybe a bit harsh lettering. Right over pretty papers, shapes and colors...but it feels totally right.
I'm always on the look out for alphabet stamps, and I found these on ebay for under 5.00! Couldn't pass them up! I love how big they are!
Yep...here is our to-do list for the day/week. More of a rough outline to keep us in check. We kind of jump around and pick away at things. When you see things as a list it actually makes things way less overwhelming. Even if the list is mega long...I actually say the longer the better. There are no surprises. Or as I put them "wildcards". You can see your "worst case scenario" as far as deadlines and tasks. You can always use different color pen or chalk to prioritize.
How do you tackle your tasks? I'd love to hear!
Have a Great week guys!
xo Jenny
P.S. There's still time to enter this month's FABULOUS giveaway!!