Did you just hear that? No? Well I'm shocked...since it was the loudest exhale ever!
Aaron and I have just finished the book! It's pretty much all in the hands of our publisher now. Of course we expect we'll have to do some edits and that sort of thing...but overall, the big bulk of it is no longer on our shoulders. And it feels goooooood.
We are just so so excited about this book. It's got some good stuff in it and we cannot wait to hold a copy in our hands....and more importantly, we can't wait til you guys can hold a copy in your hands! Come Fall, we'd like our trip to Atlanta to teach at Sweethearts on the Homefront to just be the beginning. We want to get out there on the road and visit some fantastic book stores and scrapbooking stores...do some crafty classes and have some get togethers! We love all of our projects and hope you guys will too! We really think there is something for everyone here!
Yeah, so the other day while shopping I stopped dead in my tracks. Just like...mega flashbacks to childhood upon seeing these! I had a Krazy Straw back then...a purple one...and mann I loved it! How the heck was I gonna pass up getting these? It's the 50th Anniversary Limited Edition! Iced Cofee has been taken to a whole new Krazy level my friends!
We've been doing lots and lots of cooking over here. It's our break from the day. We belly up to the kitchen counter and that's all that exists for that moment. And we are sooo excited for summertime dinners. Gonna do lots of grilling and special salads...creative Marinades, and homemade dressings galore. One of our absolute favorite flavor combos is Jalapeno, Onion, Lime..and cilantro! Oh geez..the smells just meld together and rise up from the cutting board...love it!! Oh and speaking of...check out our new cutting board! Needed it so bad! I had been wanting a big chunky round one forever, and they are always so $pensive. Thanks to Aaron's mom, who is a Kohls card carrier and gets all sorts of Kohls cash and coupons and offers, we scored this one for a great price! Aar logs like twenty minutes a day on that thing.
"Jenny wishes Aaron had never discovered krumping."
"Jenny tries to sneak in a midnight snack."
Love these hilarious little cartoons. You will too. Get the Bitstrips app on facebook...it's fun and addictive.
See this? Well it is just the tippity tip of the iceberg over here. All of the stuff that we had to move out of the back room after Hurricane Sandy has been living in piles all around us. Actually it's just a huge huge WALL of stuff in boxes, on shelves...furniture galore. A massive wall. We haven't had one minute to even consider it. But now that we've handed in everything with the book...we are ready! When you come off of juggling a ton of projects at once and then all of the sudden there is room in your schedule, the natural reaction is to fill the void. You can't go from doing a ton to then sitting on the couch...you must keep moving. And since Summer is pretty much here it is time to get this place back to being a home. We've got walls to paint, floors to replace...a ton to do, but we gotta start somewhere. So the second I hit publish on this blog...that wall of stuff is going to get tackled! Wish us luck!
Hope you guys are having a great day! We'll be back tomorrow with Friday Favorites!
xo Jenny...and Aaron!