This past week we got a look at the finalized version of our book and it was so exciting to see the culmination of the time and effort we put in over the past few months. We had shared our Dedication page on facebook and we were overwhelmed by all of the kind and supportive words from everyone. It really means so so much to us when we hear about someone pre-ordering it. Of course the idea of a book is to get it in as many hands as possible...but we really hope that ours is one you can really you can reference a bunch and go back to again and again to make an all new project. You don't write a book like this for yourself...this isn't a show and tell type of book. It's more like a 'get-down-and-dirty-right-alongside-us' type of book.
We were especially psyched to see finally see the cover...front and back. We had designed the front cover ourselves and saw that a while back...but we were wondering how the back cover would come out. Well, we love it! And seeing how the spine represents the color scheme so perfectly and that if it's peeking out on the shelf you'll see the black striped washi tape trim. This is a book that would certainly intrigue us enough to pull it out of the stacks at the book store. We hope you guys feel the same.
One day this past week we took a bit of time to do some blog stuff. One thing being the addition of a new page titled "Our Home". Aaron did this sweet little painting of our house for the header. The "Our Home" page will be the place where you'll find our favorite home decor, DIY, and renovation posts.
This little munchkin is our niece Olivia. This weekend my family gathered for the funeral of my Uncle Lou. And as sad as this occasion was, it is always a great thing to get together with my extended family. We don't see each other nearly enough and catching up with everyone is so essential. After the wake on Friday me and Aaron got together with my brother Walt and his girl Val for some late night mini golf. It was soopa doopa mega hot and humid, with mosquitoes galore...but still super fun! Though we must admit that as the game wore on we were all definitely looking forward to the 18th hole.
So then yesterday was the Funeral, the church service and the cemetery...and afterwards the family got together to eat and hang out for hours. Then after that we all piled in cars and went down to my brother Rich's house where this little cutie Olivia lives! When we arrived she was in the Tubby! It was just too cute for words. She is always smiling and joking with you. Funniest little thing ever. And she's now walking all over the place.
Rich & Steph have a big sectional, and when we all get together there isn't an inch to spare. We're all packed in, it gets super loud with stories and jokes, and youtube videos, and Vine favorites...and snacks come around. It is a GREAT time! Olivia gets passed from person to person all night long...and she power napped earlier just so she could hang out all night. We were there till almost midnight.
Today me and Aaron nearly feel hungover from just the total sensory overload of the weekend. We are pretty much shut-ins during our normal life...and then this weekend it was just people people people...and so much going on. We're taking today to gear up for the coming week. Lots of cleaning and organizing.
As sad as it is to have to say goodbye to a loved one, the gathering together of family is an undeniably very good thing.
How was your weekend? Did you keep the July 4th festivities going?
Thanks for popping in!!
xo Jenny & Aaron
The winner of our Mixed Media girl Canvas is...
Congrats Shell!
Thank you to everyone who entered! We LOVED LOVED LOVED reading your reasons for loving Mixed Media! Check out those comments! These are our peeps! Lucky to be connected to all of you guys! We will be doing another giveaway very soon!!