Let the PMOT party begin!!

Ladies & Gents...it is PMOT spotlight time!! Yes indeedy! The emails have been steadily appearing in my inbox. Gals & Guys from all across the U.S. and abroad, have taken to this concept with the fluid grace of fish to water! It feels like this whole "Putting-Myself-Out-There- idea" was something that was sorta on the tip of everybody's tongue and I just happened to be the gal who blurted it out...ya know?! Because all of the responses that came my way all sounded a bit like this: " Wow Jenny, I have been blogging for a LOOONG time...and I have had an online shop, etc...BUT, (and there's always the "but") I have had so much trouble getting out there and promoting myself...like, I know that there are so many kindred spirits out there who share my artistic tastes and creative loves, etc...etc...but still, I never make the commitment... and it's a fairly simple commitment... Just to put myself out there on a regular basis to expand my - readership, friends, followers, customer base, etc...And now you've come along Jenny, and gave me the shove I've been waiting for this whole time! I'm ready to make this year - MY YEAR!"
So yes,...that's one sample piece from one of hundreds of emails that are crowding my inbox. I am so so happy to know that there are a whole bunch of us out there looking to make 2011 THE year! OUR year!

I really couldn't be more excited! The heartfelt emails just have me beaming, and nodding my head non stop..like ..."yep....yep...mmhmm...samesies"

Well, without further a do...let's get this party started! I've got a TRIO of super duper fantastic artists/taste makers/style mavens/ all around purveyors of fabulous!!!

First up...

Amanda Sinisi aka The Fancy Lady Gourmet
One morning a box arrived at our doorstep. It was THE prettiest package ever! I read the familiar return address name on the box and I said to Aaron "OOOOOOHH, Cookies!!!"
Now, on this particular morning Aaron wasn't feeling well...And when he's under the weather he just totally shuts down...doesn't feel like eating or drinking for days. BUT, I came in the bedroom, practically laid the box on top of Aaron and opened up the Cookies. Now, I'm not sitting here trying to say that Amanda's Cookies have the power to heal the sick...but next thing ya know...Aaron is eating a Cookie with Gusto! I swear it!
But seriously, just look at these darlings. They speak for themselves. The icing tastes GOOD! It's not like that overly sweet stuff that looks good but tastes like junk. She's the real deal...LOOKS & TASTE!!

Where from?: New Jersey

What do you create/do?: I make gourmet decorated cookies and cupcakes.

When did you start?: 2 years ago

shop/site/blog links:
etsy shop

How will you PMOT this year?: Be part of more events like bridal shows and festivals and farmers markets to promote my products

Three fave blogs:

Everyday is a Holiday (what a sweetheart!)
Strumpets Crumpets
Penny Lane

What are you donating to the giveaway?:
One dozen custom designed decorated shortbread cookies!!

Next up:

Amanda Laurel Atkins
I have long been a fan of this gal and then I came to find that the feeling was mutual! There's nothing better than that!...when you go and gush to someone about how fantabulous their artwork is, and then they come back to you with similar praise about your work! It's hard for me to single out just what it is that sings to me in her work. Aaron was instantly thrilled to hear that she is a short story practitioner. He's a chronic bibliophile...and when he finds a painter who writes...he's done for...hook line and sinker. Fan for life.

Where from?: Boston, MA

what do you create/do?: I'm a painter, writer, and constant-drawer! My main work consists of my lady portraits, who are all fictional women. Using them to tell my own personal stories allows me to express my emotions but always keep a thin veil of mystery. I love to write (mostly of the short story), make paper dolls, and draw in my sketchbook.
When did you start?: I've been creative since I was little. My mom is an artist, so I grew up knowing it was a possible career path. I knew I wanted to be some sort of illustrator.


How will you PMOT this year?: This year, I'm doing a lot of things I've always dreamed of doing...I'm having my second solo show in April, and then taking a long overdue trip to faraway places in May. I think when I come back, I'm going to feel like a new leaf has turned over. With another show of my lady paintings behind me, I'm positive I'm going to feel ready to tackle a new kind of project. I'm very excited.

Three Fave Blogs:

Fritzi Marie
Rifle Paper Co.

What I'm donating to the giveaway?: 6 mini prints!

And now...

Hollie Wood
Hollie Wood is a style maven. Style just oozes from every image of her STUFF. Just check out the current issue of FLEA MARKET style, magazine. She's got a fantastic spread in there and when you see the shoot you wish for magical powers...ya know, maybe you have the ability to break the fourth wall of reality and you can just go strolling into her home right through page 35 of the Mag! I've gotten to know Hollie a bit over the past month and she is an absolute doll! I really think PMOT will work wonders for her...even though she's already got some great magazine cred...but that just makes me think it all the more. As well known as she may be...I only think this is the tip of the iceberg. She's got what it takes to be a household name.

Where from?: My grandmother was a cafeteria lady, and my grandfather a photographer. My mother knows how to work a flea market and my father went to the prom with Vanna White. Somehow, I ended up in Charleston SC.
What you create/do?: I create a beautiful flea market style, I sift through peoples junk and put value on things that are one step away from the trash.
When did you start?:I started as a child, but became a real entrepreneur in 2007.

shop/site/blog links:

How will you PMOT this year?: I bought my first computer! I created my blog, logo, website and joined flickr, which has been the best thing that has happened to me this year along with figuring out, and fitting into social media!

Three fave blogs:
High Heels & Two Wheels
A Beach Cottage

What I'm donating to the giveaway?: I am donating authentic vintage holiday cards!

Alright, this was a great start to a party that I hope will last months and months. This is really only the beginning. Keep the emails pouring in...become part of the PMOT crew...(there are tons of virtual pink satin jackets to go around!)
So get involved...even if you are just looking for other bloggers to connect with...or if you're hoping to conquer the blogosphere. Email me...become a sponsor...spread the word...Put Yourself Out There!!
xoxo, Jenny

Valentine's recap and a giveaway!

Hello! Hello!
I've missed you guys! We've been working like crazy on so many super fun projects, that the days seem to just melt into one another. And me and Aar have been working on fun projects for years and years, so I guess you could say that for nearly my whole adult life I don't think I ever really knew what day it was. Although, there were a few years when I used to have a tiny bit of an idea... and this was because LOST was on. Always counting down the days till the next episode. I wonder if there will ever be another show that grabs me like that...?

So ok, see that super duper cuuute pink crocheted scarf I'm wearing up there? Well I received it in a Valentine's Day craft swap! Isn't it just so adorable? I LOVE it! It is perfect in every way. What an amazing job Carol did. Yes...Carol, that's my swap partner, and new friend! She and her hubby Seth and their kitty cat live in Missouri. I'm thrilled to have had her as a partner. She also made me the most beautiful crocheted pink doily. I'll have to take a pic of it to show you guys.

One of my birthday gifts from Aaron (back in October) was a gift card to Color me Mine. It's one of those paint-your-own-pottery places...and I've been dying to do just that. Sure, I've been to all sorts of art classes, worked in all kinds of mediums...but over my millions of crafting years I seem to have dodged the pottery bullet. Since we've been just so busy, the Color me Mine gift card has been sitting inside a book on my nightstand since the Fall. For Valentine's Day we really wanted to do something together during the daytime...ya know, stretch out the Holiday to make it an all day, all night affair. So how perfect of a date would it be to go and paint pottery together? We both agreed!

We headed to the mall for an afternoon of creative fun. The shop/studio is super spacious, and cheerful. They have a really good selection of pieces to choose from. Something for everyone really. All holidays and occasions. We took the tour, and decided we would work on a set of matching plates and mugs. We chose our paint colors, and supplies. (of course we showed up with a bag full of our own brushes, tracing paper, pencils...)

After a few mins of daydreaming and throwing ideas back and forth, we decided on a simple & sweet design...aqua-ish background with a little flag bunting draped across each plate. Simple enough...

4 hours later we each had fully coated (3-4 layers) plates with 4-5 flags on each! Don't get me wrong, it was so much fun! We plan on going back often. But man, it took a little while for us to get used to working with the surface and using the "paints". The pottery just sucks up your paint...so so porous. But I think the biggest road block, or concern, for us was not knowing how clean the lines would be or how solid/opaque the colors would be after firing...since it was our first time. I mean, we asked questions but still, you just have to see for yourself...and nothing beats first hand experience. This was definitely a trial run...and whats great is that we only used up half the juice on the gift card! So we've already got our foot in the door for next time.

There is a studio fee, which includes all paints, supplies, and firing (about 9.00) , and then each plate was 13.00. Totally worth it! Ohh, and on the website they often have "specials" like two for one Tuesdays. Check to see if you've got one near you...there are Color me Mines all over the world. We should be getting a call to come pick up our finished plates any day now. So excited! We are both just so curious. It will answer lots of questions...and have us planning our next pieces. I'll be sure to share them with you. :)

Are you guys like me? Do you pop around blog to blog admiring the super cute banners, and buttons, wishing you knew how to create them or where to find some that were free/ok to use? Well, meet my friend Keren!

Keren's blog, Free Pretty Things For You, is one of the happiest places to visit! She is super creative, and sweet, and she shares all of these adorable images with us for free! You just have to go visit and check it out for yourself! Non stop eye candy! Tutorials, custom designs, and giveaways!
Speaking of giveaways, we are currently sponsoring a giveaway on her blog! Pop over to enter to win a large "cupcakes" print! I know you will be grinning ear to ear once you see some of her adorable buttons and freebies! Spread the word!

I have so much to share with you guys, some mega fab PMOT stuff...I think I will wait a day or so to start that party. It is really shaping up to be amazing!! Just you wait! I promise you are going to LOVE these gals!

Oh, and it is sooo not too late for you to join the PMOT crew!!! If you are looking to come out of your shell, or take that leap this year...we sooo have your back! :)

See you guys really soon!
xo Jenny

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wishing you all a super sweet Valentine's Day!
Luv ya to bits!
xoxo Jenny

Happy Weekend!

"Allie & Amy"

Hey kids!

The weekend is here! Not that my weekdays and weekends differ much...but you know, I get it. I actually love knowing that all of you folks that work outside of the home are relaxing, wearing comfy clothes, spending time with the fam and friends, getting your craft on, listening to music in pjs...

Our plans consist of lots of painting, pups, packing orders, and music! We have so many super exciting things in progress. Just not enough hours in the day. That pesky thing called sleep has to happen at some point. Of course I have those days where the bed and "blankies" feel far too good to surrender. But lately I have been that lil' girl counting down the days till' her best friend's birthday party. My favorite dress will be worn, prezzies will be given, sweets will be eaten, games will be played. Truly! Since sharing the whole PMOT thing with you gals, and exchanging emails with many of you, I am just so excited for all that we will be doing this year! "We" meaning me and all of you! I am tidying up my first PMOT spotlight post. So get ready to meet some fantastic gals very soon. I couldn't be more honored to have them in the PMOT crew!

After a bunch of super sweet emails, we decided to offer some of our new OOAK paintings as
prints! We totally get the whole "I love those new paintings, but I really wish they were available as prints...that way I could buy all 3" thing. Truly!! One of my absolute fave artist just started offering prints this year, and I was ecstatic! I could finally start my collection! :) Prior to that it was just drool on my keyboard.

So here ya go!
All three along with a batch of classics, are now in the shop! :)

"Bunny in blue"


For your weekend listening pleasure:

Angus & Julia Stone

Big Jet Plane

(don't forget to turn off my blog music first. At the bottom of the page)

Angus & Julia Stone - Big Jet Plane music video from The Silentlights on Vimeo.

Enjoy your weekend!!!
xo Jenny

Je Taime plus Qu'hier moins Que Demain

Morning lovelies!

6am here on the Jersey Shore. I wish I could tell you that I am one of those early birds...more like mega night owl. Yep, still up! Pulled an all nighter. Aaron and I are super busy here in the studio, working on some really exciting projects. Sleep will have to wait! ;)

Remember the other day when I mentioned a super sweet new painting that would be perfect not just for Valentine's Day...but everyday!? Well here it is!

Je Taime plus Qu'hier moins Que Demain

translates to: I love you more than yesterday less than tomorrow

When I was a little girl a sign hung in my home that had this inscription...and I can remember walking around repeating it over and over again in what I'm sure I thought was my "perfect" French accent! (and yes I even wore berets back then)
So, to this day this saying holds a special place in my heart for more reasons than that. This painting was created together with Aaron...my love for nearly 18 years!
This is for the love of Paris...the love of Cupcakes...and the love of LOVE!
It is now in the shop! Our brand new shop I might add....which is a post in it's own right! We'll have to have a fabulous Grand Opening post!..maybe a giveaway? hmmm...

anyways...yes yes, this happy print is now in the shop, and ready to hang in your home! Get those French accents ready! ;)

xoxo Jenny

Even Paper Source puts a bird on it!

Hey kids! ;)

I just wanted to pop in for a quick hello, and to thank you all so so much for the energy & excitement you all have for PMOT! Hooray!! This is shaping up to be so so fantastic!! I'm hoping to spotlight the first batch of PMOT gals this week! You won't want to miss it! So stay tuned!

This was super exciting...
Paper Source happens to carry our Keep Calm And Have A Cupcake items, and felt that our journal was a perfect addition to their "Gifts for your Sweetie" email! Right on!!

I've been meaning to share this with you for a lil while now... I was reminded of it today. I seriously could watch it over and over. So silly..and yet, so right on! I think I spit seltzer the first time I saw it!

"The 6-part IFC Original short-based comedy series PORTLANDIA, created, written by and starring Fred Armisen (SNL) and Carrie Brownstein (vocalist/guitarist, WILD FLAG, Sleater-Kinney), premieres on IFC Friday, January 21, 2011 at 10:30 PM ET/PT. Each episode's character-based shorts draw viewers into "Portlandia," the creators' dreamy and absurd rendering of Portland, Oregon."

This short is sooo "etsy".....I dare you not to laugh!

(first turn off my blog music..wayyy down bottom)

Ok..now off to search etsy for "put a bird on it" items. : /

xoxo Jenny

Inspired Ideas

Over 20 Projects
170 pages
beautiful, inspiring design
fabulous content, no ads

now available for just $3.30

buy it here!

The absolutely adorable, incredibly talented, Amy Powers has done it again! Issue #2 of Inspired ideas! Available now!

Amy is one of my absolute favorite people ever! A heart of GOLD! What I would give to have her and her sweet lil' family as neighbors! (I often think about my "dream" neighborhood....my blogland friends living all on one magical street...the potluck dinners, craft nights, holiday swaps we would have!...oh my!)

This issue is so incredible! Brimming with eye candy galore...the most fantastic projects by the coolest peeps ever. And Aaron and I just so happen to be part of this exclusive group!....and even if we weren't I'd sure as heck be here, shouting it from the rooftops just as loudly as ever!! We are so so honored to be among this stellar line-up!! I mean...WOWZER! I don't want to give too much away here...just do yourself a favor and go get it NOW!
Tell your friends!

Ohh... about our lil contribution:

We painted a super cheerful, candy colored, yet vintage inspired "wallpaper" pattern for you to use in your art projects!! (it is a file you dl)It was so fun to do. We hope you LOVE it! :)

Ok...I really just wanted to pop in ultra quick to tell you all about this ...we have been so so excited to share this! Let us know what you think!

be back very soon with PMOT talk! :)

xoxo Jenny

Calling all artists, crafters, bloggers, peeps looking to PMOT this year!!

I probably say "I'm sooooo psyched!!" and/or "I'm soooo excited!!" as many times as you regular folks say Hello and Goodbye. But lets not let this little factoid diminish the value of my superlative flourishes. All of my extra letter "o's" and abundant exclamation marks are purposeful and totally called for. Well maybe not ALL of them...but at least MOST of them.
Well, lets just say that in this case I really mean it when I say that I'm sooooo psyched about the responses I've received pertaining to "PMOT in 2011". Because the responses have been EXACTLY what I was hoping for. A whole lot of people saying that they have been just dying to "Put Themselves Out There" ... and that my blog post, along with my little blog button was the last itty bitty nudge that they needed to get them out there!! Good for you guys! Keep it up!!

So OK...I thought about this next little hoedown for a while now. It totally goes hand in hand with everything I've been daydreaming about...

How could we all come together?
-holding hands
-lip glossy and smiley
-hopping around, meeting new friends
-finding out how to put ourselves out there in 2011
-what are we good at
-what we wish we were good at
-what we create
-make, bake, cook?
-new blogs...in new locales
-fresh ideas
-blog hopping
-shop shopping
-peeps meeting along the way

Are you looking to PMOT this year? (Oh how I wish I had the money to make us all pink satin jackets with our crew's logo on back...man oh man...if I won the lottery...ooooohh it would be a given!!....and speaking of pink satin jackets etc...I just finished eating a "Pink Lady" apple....so so delicious! my current fave as far as apples go...like candy from a tree!) But ok, back to reality...no satin jackets for now...( You can just imagine wearing one in your head for now...or if the idea of a team of pink satin jacketed ladies actually horrifies you then by all means...just forget I said it! ; ) LOL! )
I want this to be BIG and most of all FUN. This should feel like you are sponsoring a really fantastic PARTY!

Here's how it goes:
Leave me a comment (make sure I can reach you.) or email me with your details.

Tell me how you'd like to PMOT this year.

And here's the kicker:
You know those super duper over the top celebrity swag bags that they give away at award shows? They're filled with the hottest, trendiest, most high-end stuff. Well, why should the celebs have all the fun? And anyway...after we all Put Ourselves Out There, we'll all be celebs in our own right! So...there are so many of us who make stuff that is more than fit to be part of the absolute best celebrity swag bag ever!

I'd like to gather up a list of peeps who are looking to network...PMOT...highlight their blogs, etsy shops, websites, etc...
I will spotlight you here on my blog...along with an item of your choice ( something that you think that my followers would totally go gaga over...color / style / vibe-wise) ...so as we go along meeting more and more amazing peeps and adding more and more stuff to our over-the-top swag bag...(or in this case swag BOX!!)... I will keep a link to you on my sidebar for the duration of the giveaway!!
And here's the AMAZING part......the SWAG BOX will go to ONE LUCKY WINNER!!
Nutso Right?! Yeah, imagine winning a box full of total amazingness! Totally Queen For A Day status! : )

So ok...who's in??? jewelry makers, painters, crocheters, knitters, candle makers,...anything goes! and Gift Certificates are totally cool too!

Ok, now to introduce our final Everyday is a Holiday Design Team Member. The one...the only...the Artsy Mama herself... Kari Ramstrom. Besides all of the fantabulous stuff I can say about her artistically, she's also just one of my favorite PEOPLE. And she's a big fan of other artists, and is always interested in what you're up to at the moment...she's an unabashed fan and loves to promote fellow artists. She's passionate about every project that she gets involved in and man!....she just loves COLOR! When I think of her...I think COLOR. Some of us see shape, composition, form... but when Kari looks around at things...at the world...it is COLOR that she see's. I'm excited to see just how her colorful world will meld with ours!

Kari loves to fully immerse herself in each season through photography, journaling and art making. She is a collector of vintage and homemade, whimsical and oddities. She then uses these pieces to create unique art journals, mixed media creations and home décor. She is an observer of images and artifacts, capturing the essence of each day. She weaves living a creative life into the ordinary moments of each day, savoring the daily celebrations with her family. She has been published in Artful Blogging, Country Living, Romantic Country, Blogging for Bliss, Collaborative Art Journals and a self-published book.

Lots of you gals have been asking about our diecuts! Sooo...we've brough them back for a limited time! We have a batch in stock now...listed in the shop...ready to ship!

Why not collect em' all?...like Strawberry Shortcake dolls or My Little Ponies? ;) I mean let's admit it...all these happy pretty things we all collect are our "Big Girl" versions. no? :)

Thanks again for stopping by! Love ya lots! xoxo, Jenny
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