Ladies & Gents...it is PMOT spotlight time!! Yes indeedy! The emails have been steadily appearing in my inbox. Gals & Guys from all across the U.S. and abroad, have taken to this concept with the fluid grace of fish to water! It feels like this whole "Putting-Myself-Out-There- idea" was something that was sorta on the tip of everybody's tongue and I just happened to be the gal who blurted it out...ya know?! Because all of the responses that came my way all sounded a bit like this: " Wow Jenny, I have been blogging for a LOOONG time...and I have had an online shop, etc...BUT, (and there's always the "but") I have had so much trouble getting out there and promoting myself...like, I know that there are so many kindred spirits out there who share my artistic tastes and creative loves, etc...etc...but still, I never make the commitment... and it's a fairly simple commitment... Just to put myself out there on a regular basis to expand my - readership, friends, followers, customer base, etc...And now you've come along Jenny, and gave me the shove I've been waiting for this whole time! I'm ready to make this year - MY YEAR!"
So yes,...that's one sample piece from one of hundreds of emails that are crowding my inbox. I am so so happy to know that there are a whole bunch of us out there looking to make 2011 THE year! OUR year!
I really couldn't be more excited! The heartfelt emails just have me beaming, and nodding my head non stop..like ..."yep....yep...mmhmm...samesies"
Well, without further a do...let's get this party started! I've got a TRIO of super duper fantastic artists/taste makers/style mavens/ all around purveyors of fabulous!!!
First up...
Amanda Sinisi aka The Fancy Lady Gourmet
One morning a box arrived at our doorstep. It was THE prettiest package ever! I read the familiar return address name on the box and I said to Aaron "OOOOOOHH, Cookies!!!"
Now, on this particular morning Aaron wasn't feeling well...And when he's under the weather he just totally shuts down...doesn't feel like eating or drinking for days. BUT, I came in the bedroom, practically laid the box on top of Aaron and opened up the Cookies. Now, I'm not sitting here trying to say that Amanda's Cookies have the power to heal the sick...but next thing ya know...Aaron is eating a Cookie with Gusto! I swear it!
But seriously, just look at these darlings. They speak for themselves. The icing tastes GOOD! It's not like that overly sweet stuff that looks good but tastes like junk. She's the real deal...LOOKS & TASTE!!

Where from?: New Jersey
What do you create/do?: I make gourmet decorated cookies and cupcakes.
When did you start?: 2 years ago
shop/site/blog links:
etsy shop
How will you PMOT this year?: Be part of more events like bridal shows and festivals and farmers markets to promote my products
Three fave blogs:
Everyday is a Holiday (what a sweetheart!)
Strumpets Crumpets
Penny Lane
What are you donating to the giveaway?:
One dozen custom designed decorated shortbread cookies!!
When did you start?: 2 years ago
shop/site/blog links:
etsy shop
How will you PMOT this year?: Be part of more events like bridal shows and festivals and farmers markets to promote my products
Three fave blogs:
Everyday is a Holiday (what a sweetheart!)
Strumpets Crumpets
Penny Lane
What are you donating to the giveaway?:
One dozen custom designed decorated shortbread cookies!!

Next up:
Amanda Laurel Atkins
I have long been a fan of this gal and then I came to find that the feeling was mutual! There's nothing better than that!...when you go and gush to someone about how fantabulous their artwork is, and then they come back to you with similar praise about your work! It's hard for me to single out just what it is that sings to me in her work. Aaron was instantly thrilled to hear that she is a short story practitioner. He's a chronic bibliophile...and when he finds a painter who writes...he's done for...hook line and sinker. Fan for life.
Amanda Laurel Atkins
I have long been a fan of this gal and then I came to find that the feeling was mutual! There's nothing better than that!...when you go and gush to someone about how fantabulous their artwork is, and then they come back to you with similar praise about your work! It's hard for me to single out just what it is that sings to me in her work. Aaron was instantly thrilled to hear that she is a short story practitioner. He's a chronic bibliophile...and when he finds a painter who writes...he's done for...hook line and sinker. Fan for life.

what do you create/do?: I'm a painter, writer, and constant-drawer! My main work consists of my lady portraits, who are all fictional women. Using them to tell my own personal stories allows me to express my emotions but always keep a thin veil of mystery. I love to write (mostly of the short story), make paper dolls, and draw in my sketchbook.
When did you start?: I've been creative since I was little. My mom is an artist, so I grew up knowing it was a possible career path. I knew I wanted to be some sort of illustrator.
How will you PMOT this year?: This year, I'm doing a lot of things I've always dreamed of doing...I'm having my second solo show in April, and then taking a long overdue trip to faraway places in May. I think when I come back, I'm going to feel like a new leaf has turned over. With another show of my lady paintings behind me, I'm positive I'm going to feel ready to tackle a new kind of project. I'm very excited.
Three Fave Blogs:
Fritzi Marie
Rifle Paper Co.
What I'm donating to the giveaway?: 6 mini prints!
And now...
Hollie Wood
Hollie Wood is a style maven. Style just oozes from every image of her STUFF. Just check out the current issue of FLEA MARKET style, magazine. She's got a fantastic spread in there and when you see the shoot you wish for magical powers...ya know, maybe you have the ability to break the fourth wall of reality and you can just go strolling into her home right through page 35 of the Mag! I've gotten to know Hollie a bit over the past month and she is an absolute doll! I really think PMOT will work wonders for her...even though she's already got some great magazine cred...but that just makes me think it all the more. As well known as she may be...I only think this is the tip of the iceberg. She's got what it takes to be a household name.

What you create/do?: I create a beautiful flea market style, I sift through peoples junk and put value on things that are one step away from the trash.
When did you start?:I started as a child, but became a real entrepreneur in 2007.
shop/site/blog links:
How will you PMOT this year?: I bought my first computer! I created my blog, logo, website and joined flickr, which has been the best thing that has happened to me this year along with figuring out, and fitting into social media!
Three fave blogs:
High Heels & Two Wheels
A Beach Cottage
What I'm donating to the giveaway?: I am donating authentic vintage holiday cards!
Alright, this was a great start to a party that I hope will last months and months. This is really only the beginning. Keep the emails pouring in...become part of the PMOT crew...(there are tons of virtual pink satin jackets to go around!)
So get involved...even if you are just looking for other bloggers to connect with...or if you're hoping to conquer the blogosphere. Email me...become a sponsor...spread the word...Put Yourself Out There!!
xoxo, Jenny