I probably say "I'm sooooo psyched!!" and/or "I'm soooo excited!!" as many times as you regular folks say Hello and Goodbye. But lets not let this little factoid diminish the value of my superlative flourishes. All of my extra letter "o's" and abundant exclamation marks are purposeful and totally called for. Well maybe not ALL of them...but at least MOST of them.
Well, lets just say that in this case I really mean it when I say that I'm sooooo psyched about the responses I've received pertaining to "PMOT in 2011". Because the responses have been EXACTLY what I was hoping for. A whole lot of people saying that they have been just dying to "Put Themselves Out There" ... and that my blog post, along with my little blog button was the last itty bitty nudge that they needed to get them out there!! Good for you guys! Keep it up!!
So OK...I thought about this next little hoedown for a while now. It totally goes hand in hand with everything I've been daydreaming about...
How could we all come together?
-holding hands
-lip glossy and smiley
-hopping around, meeting new friends
-finding out how to put ourselves out there in 2011
-what are we good at
-what we wish we were good at
-what we create
-make, bake, cook?
-new blogs...in new locales
-fresh ideas
-blog hopping
-shop shopping
-peeps meeting along the way
-holding hands
-lip glossy and smiley
-hopping around, meeting new friends
-finding out how to put ourselves out there in 2011
-what are we good at
-what we wish we were good at
-what we create
-make, bake, cook?
-new blogs...in new locales
-fresh ideas
-blog hopping
-shop shopping
-peeps meeting along the way
Are you looking to PMOT this year? (Oh how I wish I had the money to make us all pink satin jackets with our crew's logo on back...man oh man...if I won the lottery...ooooohh it would be a given!!....and speaking of pink satin jackets etc...I just finished eating a "Pink Lady" apple....so so delicious! my current fave as far as apples go...like candy from a tree!) But ok, back to reality...no satin jackets for now...( You can just imagine wearing one in your head for now...or if the idea of a team of pink satin jacketed ladies actually horrifies you then by all means...just forget I said it! ; ) LOL! )
I want this to be BIG and most of all FUN. This should feel like you are sponsoring a really fantastic PARTY!
Here's how it goes:
Leave me a comment (make sure I can reach you.) or email me with your details.
Tell me how you'd like to PMOT this year.
And here's the kicker:
You know those super duper over the top celebrity swag bags that they give away at award shows? They're filled with the hottest, trendiest, most high-end stuff. Well, why should the celebs have all the fun? And anyway...after we all Put Ourselves Out There, we'll all be celebs in our own right! So...there are so many of us who make stuff that is more than fit to be part of the absolute best celebrity swag bag ever!
I'd like to gather up a list of peeps who are looking to network...PMOT...highlight their blogs, etsy shops, websites, etc...
I will spotlight you here on my blog...along with an item of your choice ( something that you think that my followers would totally go gaga over...color / style / vibe-wise) ...so as we go along meeting more and more amazing peeps and adding more and more stuff to our over-the-top swag bag...(or in this case swag BOX!!)... I will keep a link to you on my sidebar for the duration of the giveaway!!
And here's the AMAZING part......the SWAG BOX will go to ONE LUCKY WINNER!!
Nutso Right?! Yeah, imagine winning a box full of total amazingness! Totally Queen For A Day status! : )
So ok...who's in??? jewelry makers, painters, crocheters, knitters, candle makers,...anything goes! and Gift Certificates are totally cool too!

Ok, now to introduce our final Everyday is a Holiday Design Team Member. The one...the only...the Artsy Mama herself... Kari Ramstrom. Besides all of the fantabulous stuff I can say about her artistically, she's also just one of my favorite PEOPLE. And she's a big fan of other artists, and is always interested in what you're up to at the moment...she's an unabashed fan and loves to promote fellow artists. She's passionate about every project that she gets involved in and man!....she just loves COLOR! When I think of her...I think COLOR. Some of us see shape, composition, form... but when Kari looks around at things...at the world...it is COLOR that she see's. I'm excited to see just how her colorful world will meld with ours!

Kari loves to fully immerse herself in each season through photography, journaling and art making. She is a collector of vintage and homemade, whimsical and oddities. She then uses these pieces to create unique art journals, mixed media creations and home décor. She is an observer of images and artifacts, capturing the essence of each day. She weaves living a creative life into the ordinary moments of each day, savoring the daily celebrations with her family. She has been published in Artful Blogging, Country Living, Romantic Country, Blogging for Bliss, Collaborative Art Journals and a self-published book.

Lots of you gals have been asking about our diecuts! Sooo...we've brough them back for a limited time! We have a batch in stock now...listed in the shop...ready to ship!
Why not collect em' all?...like Strawberry Shortcake dolls or My Little Ponies? ;) I mean let's admit it...all these happy pretty things we all collect are our "Big Girl" versions. no? :)
Thanks again for stopping by! Love ya lots! xoxo, Jenny
Why not collect em' all?...like Strawberry Shortcake dolls or My Little Ponies? ;) I mean let's admit it...all these happy pretty things we all collect are our "Big Girl" versions. no? :)
Thanks again for stopping by! Love ya lots! xoxo, Jenny