Ya know...I guess the "normal" person in us all would pick Kermit as their favorite Muppet...but I think deep inside every single one of us is a Cookie Monster...that same part of us who would coin the phrase "if we're not supposed to have midnight snacks then why is there a light in the fridge?" Below is a little jingle for all the Cookie Monsters out there who indulge their heart's desires...haha!
As far as the 30 day photo challenge goes I've been keeping up on flickr...so let me get you guys caught up over here. I've really been having a lot of fun. Knowing that you've got to capture an image...and make it at least partially meaningful, keeps the visual part of your brain dreaming...even if your dream window is only 35 mins! Stopping to take a picture...even if that seems like a teeny tiny act...it really is a great artistic personal escape from the busy day. It's fun to see everyday things as a photo op. So here's a little catch up from the last few days of the photo challenge.
Day 15: Silhouette
I had Aaron hold an itty bitty dollhouse chair in his hand in front of a pink box lid and the angle of the afternoon sun was just right for some nice shadows.

Day 16: Long exposure
I'm totally not a photographer so my idea of what a long exposure means was simply guesswork. I googled a smidge to get a clue but mainly I learned by doing. Right before we walked out the door to get dinner I grabbed my camera just for the heck of it to see if I could figure out long exposure. So we stopped in Asbury and found a dark spot...Aaron had a little flashlight in the car so we did some experimenting in an old parking lot. Now I didn't capture any spectacular image...I figured I'd use this one more as a learning day and just get the technical aspect right. What's so weird is that in that image of the light swirl Aaron was holding the flashlight and standing right there, yet he doesn't appear in the photo...and the buildings behind him do!

Day 17: Technology
It was laundry day and although laundry feels like a pretty old school chore and not very technological...our modern washers and dryers sure beat using rocks down by the riverbank to scrub clothes. So here's a shot down at our local old school "launderette". My sister made fun of me every time I called it that....turns out, it is the actual name.

These are my treasured vintage Chatty Cathy shoes... the perfect tone of teal velvet...stripes inside...and itty bitty millinery flowers.