Boy this past week flew by! The days seemed to blur into one another. It had been non stop rain, clouds, humidity. Not the best conditions for taking photos for the 30 day photo challenge. I'm still missing my day 23 assignment which was a Sunflare. I hope to get one tomorrow.
How is everyone else doing with their challenge? We only have a few days left and I'm a little sad. I mean I'm guessing there will be another challenge to participate in somewhere in blogland. You can bet I'll look...and play along! This really was such a happy thing for me. So so glad I did it! Used buttons I hadn't even "messed with" till now. Ok ok..so let's get caught up shall we?
How is everyone else doing with their challenge? We only have a few days left and I'm a little sad. I mean I'm guessing there will be another challenge to participate in somewhere in blogland. You can bet I'll look...and play along! This really was such a happy thing for me. So so glad I did it! Used buttons I hadn't even "messed with" till now. Ok ok..so let's get caught up shall we?

Day 20: Bokeh
The term comes from the Japanese word boke (暈け or ボケ), which means "blur" or "haze", or boke-aji (ボケ味), the "blur quality".
Now for you who aren't in the know yet. Bokeh is that fun background blur we see in those profesh looking photos. Well..and non profesh..but in that case it most likely happened on accident. When background lights become little blurry balls or haze. Easiest way to put it. If you simply google you will come across blogs devoted to bokeh, videos on youtube, (click both links) as well as hacks...like making your own lens cover with black paper! (this technique allows you to turn those balls into hearts or stars or whatever lil shape you'd like! It was my first time actually trying to get the effect, I've gotten it in the past accidentally...easiest place for that happy accident to happen is when we take pics of our Christmas trees! :) I'm excited to play around some more! And I will def be making one of those paper lens covers!

me on a rainy afternoon, in our living room. this is a suuuper old mirror with that awesome wavy effect to it. If you are wondering..I painted a black scalloped border around it..and then covered that in black glitter. :)

Now why on earth would I take a pic of my hands or Aaron's hands when I have a house full of random doll hands? These would make pretty fab earrings no?

I had taken a pic of pup #2 and was in the middle of uploading it when Aaron walked into the studio with a big smile and a happy idea. "How about a ride to Atlantic Farms, for a REAL Animal photo"? not 5 mins later we were on our way! It happened to be the first sunny day in about a week for us..which made it even better! This fella was super sweet! I'm pretty sure we shared the majority of our carrots with him. :) I'll be back tomorrow to share the rest of our farm pics!

Something pink? Geez...It was almost harder than something orange for me. only due to the massive amounts of pink things in my life. I mean c'mon ..I have pink hair. I'm sure you can imagine what I'm saying. I really couldn't settle on one thing. Finally while working on some orders I glanced across the studio ...the sun was shining directly on this spool of bright pink sequin trim. Yep! Perfect! :)

I have had a jar of these candy colored bells for almost 10 yrs. I'm pretty sure I found them at a dollar store! Oddly enough. As you can see I am running low on pink ;)
Well...we are caught up except for today's assignment which I will post tomorrow. It really isn't too late to join in the fun..you can always start on July 1st! I'm going to find another challenge and when I do..I'll let you guys know!
Just want to thank you all for all of the super sweet comments and visits to my lil corner of blogland! I truly appreciate you guys! And to my new followers ...Big Big Hugs!! So happy to be connected! If you haven't left a comment..say hi! Leave me a link to your blogs!
See ya tomorrow!
xo Jenny