So, like so so many of you my first thought upon waking is..."where's my coffee?" But I think this is really only true with me in the warmer months...because I'm a lover of Iced Coffee waaaay more than hot.
Sometimes me and Aaron go for a quick ride and grab a couple cups from somewhere and then we usually hunt down a couple scones (my biggest addiction in life...SCONES!) But since that's costly on both money and time, we keep a pitcher in the fridge of New Orleans Roast from Rook Coffee Roasters...The best coffee in the world...and they are 5 minutes away. (we ran out yesterday and Aar went and got another pound this morning on his bike...and two Scone Pony scones, which Rook keeps stocked!)
Anyway, I bring this up because today I made the brew too strong...and even though I need my and caffeine do not mix well. My heart starts skipping a beat and I feel so nutso that all I want to do is lay'd think it would have me running in circles but I get so past that point that I could actually just sleep! So, me and Aar made a rare decision....we took a nap. My heart and brain needed it...and his leg needed it ( the running and bike riding have been taking their toll on the screws in his leg...yes, he's part robot, like most peeps after a car crash.) But, yet again...where am I going with this? Sorry, the caffeine still has me in it's claws. Well, you can see from the pics...we've got some new hand painted flower pots...some pink and white to add to our pale greeny/aqua ones. And another Cupcakes sign very much like the one we did a little while back on a very old board we found...but this one is on a new one that we aged a bit ourselves...(I made it read this blog post and it grew a gray beard...what an exciting Nap Story!)....So, look for these new doodads in the shop.

We first drove to a spot where we knew it would be sinking into the treeline...and then after some shots there we took a quick drive down to the boat harbor in nearby Belmar...good idea. I got my final sunset shot with about 30 seconds to spare before the sun was all gone...and it was spectacular that our left and right, like a dozen or so other people followed our lead and hopped out of their cars for a look and a pic. Scroll down to see the pics...and the pics for day 13 and 14...this is a catch up post!
Shabby Apple makes women's dresses, little girls dresses, and maternity dresses. As well as fabulous swimwear and Plus sizes! And they are a super fab outfit...they give 5% of net dress sales to women's charities...every 100 dollar donation to Shabby Apple provides at least 2o women in need with financial services and a chance to live a life without poverty. You can check them out on Facebook...AND, here's the kicker...You will get a 10% off coupon code by reading about them write this down, or type it, or copy/paste it somewhere:
And don't forget to "like" Shabby Apple on facebook! They keep us friends up to date on all sorts of good stuff! :)
Ok, I can hear Etta James singing "At Last...(this post is ending)"... I also can hear that it's now raining outside...another factor that caused the nap I'm and Aaron both get effected by whole body and soul...and his leg hardware aches.

Day 14: Eyes.
Another easy choice for me...I love my old baby heads...and mostly their eyes...glazed with age...all googly from years of use...and this one in particular is without eyelashes...well, he still has eyelashes...but they seemed to have dropped out of sight...ya know, they rolled back into his head. It happens to the best of us.
xoxo, Jenny