Our last day in Atlanta

So, here we are, installment number 3...our last day in Atlanta. And it turned out to be the perfect ending to a perfect trip. I forget exactly who told us to book an evening flight on our final day...but I'd like to thank them right here for the good advice. After a couple chilly days the weather turned and we had a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The day's agenda called for relaxation and exploration and we had two fabulous guides to show us some Atlanta sweet spots. Rosalyn Sue and Heidi first brought us to the Virginia-Highland neighborhood...which is chock full of great shops and gorgeous homes.

We first took a stop in Paper Source, where there is always great stuff to look at. And then we strolled down to a shop called Urban Cottage, which is where I snapped the above and below pics.

Again, me and Aaron were probably most interested in pieces of furniture...which might be our built in wallet saving mechanism...since we couldn't possibly bring dressers with us on the plane. 

But Urban Cottage was full of great stuff. Candles are always a fave.

And I loved all of these signs (see below). There were tons of them all over the shop. All in great colors with classic white lettering.

And when I asked the proprietress Gail for a business card we chatted a bit...and wouldn't ya know it...it turns out that she spent her college years up here in Jersey. The world never fails to show you just how small it is.

Loved her shop! Not only great decor...but tons of clothes!

I snapped pics in some other shops nearby but there's no way I could fit all those shots in this post. You're gonna have to trust me that all the shops live up to the neighborhood's great reputation. 

At one point we were headed to the car in order to hit up some shops that weren't within walking distance when all of the sudden Aaron spotted a sign that said BOOKS. He never passes up an opportunity to explore a new bookshop.

So we crossed the road and upon entering we discovered that even though this shop had plenty of books...you'd never ever call it a bookshop.

Nope...this shop turned out to be maybe the greatest monument ever to the art of woodworking. Hence the name...Highland Woodworking.

Such a gorgeous shop full of the highest quality handmade tools and manly accoutrement. 

My brother Walt woulda loved the place despite the fact that he's really a greasemonkey type. This shop is so utterly persuasive in it's attention to detail that I think it would convert any manly man into a woodworker extraordinaire. 

Ok, then our travels took us to this giant, amazing place called Paris on Ponce. It's a hybrid antique center...meaning it's set up like an antique center, with booths belonging to different dealers, but in addition to a ton of great vintage stuff you'll find booths full of new clothing, candles, handmade furniture, artwork, etc... 

I guess the one common thread that carries through is the quality of stuff. Every booth was awesome.

Aaron found his fave, seen above and below. It had some great masculine candles and shaving and travel kits.

He spent a bunch of time trying on hoodies.

I'm a total sucker for little medicine cabinet type things...especially stripped down metal pieces with mirrors, like the above gem.

Absolutely loved these enameled silverware sets. 

Seriously, every booth was perfectly curated. This was another one up Aar's alley...vintage hats and typewriters...say no more.

Love this United Nations collector's piece.

And an antiquing trip isn't complete without some creepy dollheads!

Hard to believe this was all in the same building.

This was another great booth...mostly filled with oddities.

Plenty of gussied up taxidermy.

And yes...those are Kung Fu squirrels. Years ago when we travelled to Toronto we saw tons of black squirrels. I guess Atlanta is home to the elusive Kung Fu squirrel.

And then, as if Paris on Ponce wasn't over-the-top enough...all of the sudden we turned a corner, went through some double doors, and we were smack dab in the middle of this crazy bordello/Moulin Rouge  themed banquet hall! If only I were a bit taller the above pic might've turned out better...ha!

The name of the banquet place is Le Maison Rouge (check out the site for pics) and every inch of it looks even more outrageous than the above pic. I'd have snapped more shots but it was pretty dark in there. As we were doing our walk through we saw a couple planning to have their wedding here.

Here's a shot of the outside of Paris on Ponce.

Rosalyn then took us to lunch...which is like Wow awesome of her. As if she wasn't the hostess with the mostest already!

She took us to one of her favorite local places...Seed. It's a chef driven menu...lot's of farm to table options...and straight up Amazing! Aar got the fresh catch of the day with roasted cauliflower and caramelized brussels sprouts. And I got butternut squash ravioli with a sage butter sauce and roasted pumpkin seeds. Mine was deeelish and Aaron says his was too. But I can't directly vouch for that...because before I could even think about maybe sampling some of his...his plate was utterly and unforgivably clean! I guess he was hungry. 

Rosalyn and Heidi have both been to Seed many times before and the staff knew them on sight. I love when people share their favorite places with you...and it turns out that their favorite place RULES. I'm a worrier when it comes to flying...well, I always think something is gonna hold us up and we'll miss the plane and end up stranded in some airport for 24 hours. So we headed to the Atlanta airport fairly early for our evening flight. Right after lunch we departed...but before saying goodbye, Heidi snapped this pic of us. Rosalyn Sue and I snapped one too, but I wasn't able to grab that shot from her. 

It looks like Aaron is seriously concentrating right here, but I believe I snapped this while he was devouring his lunch...an in-between-forkload shot.  

It was a weekend full of special moments. So much fun and friendship. One thing we weren't looking forward to was the plane home. Again, we had one of those tiny planes. And we didn't know if the tiny plane would feel even scarier at nighttime. Well, turns out...that under cover of darkness it felt a bit less claustrophobic. Aaron was actually relaxed enough to do some writing, and I had downloaded some silly games to play. It was a fast flight...but No John Denver this time. Instead, our flight attendant gal had spot-on Amy Winehouse eye make up. I wonder if she'll played her in the Lifetime movie?? ha! I forgot to ask.

Ok, thanks so much again for reading along with our Atlanta adventures. I actually have some other Atlanta stuff to share...which I will this weekend. I want to show you guys some of the stuff we came home with...especially the amazing gifts we received from our dear friends...wayyyy too generous and sweet. We were spoiled with their kindness! 
Guess what though?...we're still not completely unpacked yet! I gotta get on that.
For now, we're getting back into the swing of things...we actually finalized some details of the classes we'll be teaching this spring. Can't wait to get out there on the road! And we're also setting up dates for book signings and all that good stuff. Yep...the book hits shelves November 12th! Wow!

See you back here real soon!
xo, Jenny & Aaron

Sweethearts on the Homefront Class recap

I'm back with part 3 of our trip to the Sweethearts on the Homefront event in Atlanta. This of course was our favorite day...the day of our class. Ok, I'm sure you guys all know what your average hotel banquet room looks like. And I doubt that the picture in your mind resembles any of the photos you'll see in this post. Thats because Rosalyn Sue and Jenn Hayslip spared no expense in filling the room with tons of pretty vintage things. Pink everywhere, ruffles, flowers, antiques, jewelry boxes, custom handkerchiefs for the event, tons of silvered Ball jars...even a tiny little sewing machine!  

Like seriously, who decorates a banquet room right down to the itty bitty knick knacks?!

We were transported to a way sweeter and ruffly place than any of us had expected.

They really knew how to make all us girls...and one guy...feel really special.

The day of teaching first kicked off with a tearjerker from Rosalyn Sue. Her story about how she came to offer her services to Operation Stars and Stripes...and what being a Sweetheart on the Homefront means to her. Not a dry eye in the joint. The girl has got a heart of gold...and again...made us all feel that much more special for being there at an event that would benefit this great cause.

I've included some Instavids here...so be sure to click when you see them...for some action shots of everyone at work and chatting away.

There were a few tables just like this one. Each one beaming with just as many smiles. (this is a not so subtle hint to you gals who were on the fence about going to this event...or any art event for that matter. It's gonna be better than you expected...and once you see the post-event photos you'll wish you were there.)  

So the day started off with Andrea Singarella's Sweetheart Necklace class. Me and Aaron can identify Andrea's work at a glance...no matter what it is. There is just this absolute signature to her jewelry. Always vintagey...always containing hard to find elements...classic yet new...complex yet simple...and she knows how to use pastels. I sense BIG things on the horizon for Andrea. 

Ok...yeah, that's Aaron making a necklace. He did not walk into this class with confidence. He can paint good and craft good and generally make things look good. But jewelry scared him. He's got ex-jock fingers. Lot's of jammed and broken knuckles. So handling needle nose pliers and tiny wires didn't seem doable. But...guess what. He soldiered on and succeeded. Above you can see him sitting next to our new bestie Becky. She shared her tools with Aaron. And there's a funny detail about her tools. They were lent to her by her husband...and no...he does not make jewelry with them...nope...he's the kinda guy who can fix giant airplanes and deep sea oil rigs. So these were man tools that were being used for the girliest of projects. Proof that they were man tools was in the scent of them...like the great husband that he is he first oiled every tool up before packing them in the box for Becky. So...Aaron and Becky had a slight aroma of ultimate masculinity wafting around them.  

Just look at all the great looking stuff. You can see Andrea's very detailed instruction booklet. And yes...like us...she too has her kits for sale in her shop!

A little Instavid during Andrea's class.

Here's us with Becky. Aaron is modeling the Sweetheart necklace he made for me! And this is a funny detail...one of our favorite subjects to talk to Becky about is Breaking Bad. So it goes without saying that she was thrilled to be sitting next to a Heisenberg lookalike. 

After Andrea's class came to a close it was time for Lunch. Great food...and plus, every table was topped with a "Victory Garden" picnic basket loaded up with these tiny baskets full of custom made Ball jar cookies and some super gooood artisan caramel. On the plane ride home I found two of the caramels in my purse. What a treat on that cramped plane!

Then after lunch was our class. All of the imagery you see above we painted from scratch for this class. 

I feel like every type of group was represented. Mom's with daughters...Aunts and nieces...Mother in laws and daughter in laws...grandmas...sisters...friends...old and new...close and distant. We had lots to do in our class...so everyone got right down to business.

Lots of cutting, lots of mod podge.

Above you can see Andrea getting down with our kit. So cool...she made Aar feel a bit more confident in his jewelry making and he returned the favor with tips and tricks on collaging and antique washing.

We had everybody busy busy busy.

Another Instavid of everyone in action.

And before the class was through Jennifer Hayslip had every gal in the room pose for their own personal Sweetheart photo! 

Aaron's motto is craft 'til you drop. Which is exactly what he did right after our class. We had packed up all of our supplies to bring them back to our room...and we had planned on returning to do Heidi's class. But Aaron laid on the bed...and within just a few minutes I heard snoring! ha! I went back down to Heidi's class but I had left my camera back in the hotel room with sleeping beauty. So this is where the story ends. We had the best time and everyone seemed to really enjoy the class. For any of you who didn't get to go...we have kits listed in our shop right now and you can work along with us from home.

Thanks again for reading. Tomorrow will be the final roundup of our trip. Some shopping and exploring the greater Atlanta region! Stay tuned!

xo Jenny...and Aaron
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